Overthink. Thinking too much?

 There is a lot in my mind today. My thoughts are quite jumbled. Bits of this and that. Writing this could relieve my overthinking. I hope it will. Its hard to describe. But my thoughts have been to the past very much. I remembered during first few months of working as House Officer. I havent got my first pay. I was staying at hospital quarters. Living off my savings. Feeling defeated everyday. Almost crying everyday when i get back. And I still remember, him supporting me. Giving me monthly allowance. I still remember during my offday. I didnt know where to go. My savings were not that much. And he texted me, saying he deposited some amounts into my account. Told me to let off some steam. Go somewhere. And so I took grabcar and went to IOI alone. 

I was walking inside IOI feeling small, like a country bumpkin. I dont know where to go. But 1 thing that I know, I want to buy a new perfume. So, I went to Sasa. I still remember the salesgirl judgy eyes when I entered her shop. And I immediately went over sales item. I saw CK One was on sale. I think it was RM 99.00 per 100ml bottle. I remembered my aunt used to use this perfume, and it smells really nice. I asked him, what do you think of this perfume? He said its a good choice. So I went and bought the bottle. I went to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, bought myself a chai latte, roaming around before I went back to quarters. 

I know this memory doesnt seem much. But thinking that during me feeling down with work, almost gave up. He came along, comforting me in his own way. I miss him so much. 

I used this for almost a year. Then I changed to Zara perfume that are more cheaper. But I think of getting this perfume again.


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